Surgical Dentistry

Oral surgery and maxillofacial surgery occupy a large part of dentistry and encompass both simple tooth extractions and extensive maxillofacial operations. This dynamically evolving branch of dentistry requires doctors to constantly update their theoretical knowledge and practical skills, continually developing.

Each case can be confidently called unique; each requires an individual approach.

Our clinic offers a wide range of surgical interventions:

  • Simple and surgical tooth extractions;
  • Removal of retained* and dystopic** teeth, including wisdom teeth;
  • Frenectomy of lips and tongue;
  • Root apex resection (apicoectomy) (performed with the aim of saving a tooth when endodontic retreatment is not possible);
  • Operations to elongate the crown part of the tooth for subsequent prosthetics; Implantation;
  • Sinus lift (both open and closed): performed to raise the sinus floor when there is insufficient height of the alveolar ridge of the upper jaw for implant placement.

In our clinic, we use implants from MIS (Israel), NUVO (Switzerland/Israel), STRAUMANN (Switzerland), and ZIMMER (Switzerland).

As mentioned earlier, each case is unique. To establish a treatment plan, choose working methods, and more, please schedule a face-to-face consultation by calling: 050-6847608.

A retained tooth is a tooth that cannot erupt properly because it is fully or partially covered by bone tissue or gums.

** A dystopic tooth is a tooth that has failed to occupy the correct position in the dental arch (misaligned, displaced, erupted at an incorrect angle, or rotated around its axis).

More services
Removal of supragingival and subgingival dental calculus, removal of pigmented plaque with Air-Flow system, teaching oral hygiene.
Treatment of caries, endodontics (treatment and re-treatment of root canals: pulpitis, periodontitis), restoration of the coronal part of the tooth.
Removal of hard supragingival and subgingival dental deposits (dental calculus) with ultrasound, closed curettage of periodontal pockets (deep cleaning), removal of pigmented plaque with Air-Flow system, treatment of periodontal pockets with Arestin preparation.
Veneers, prosthetics with single crowns and bridgework, inlays, prosthetics on implants, removable prosthetics.
Implant installation (MIS, NUVO, STRAUMANN, Zimmer), immediate loading with screwed constructions.
Teeth whitening with the ZOOM system, composite aesthetic restorations of teeth.
Removable dental appliances, most commonly used for orthodontic treatment.

Удаление зубов мудрости

Мы заботимся о комфорте наших пациентов, удаление зубов мудрости проводится под местной анестезией, а также возможно применение седации или общего наркоза для особо чувствительных пациентов.

В нашей клинике вы найдете уютную атмосферу, приветливый персонал и индивидуальный подход к каждому пациенту. Мы ценим ваше время, поэтому у нас нет очередей – запись на прием осуществляется заранее. Запишитесь на бесплатную консультацию уже сегодня и получите план лечения.